System Scalability, Reliability and Security
KruptoConnect Platform is the cloud platform built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Scalability, Geo-redundancy, and Cryptography in mind. It was designed from the ground up to address the spectrum of legacy and emerging digital paradigms, and scale to quickly meet shifting customer experience and interaction demands.

Our Solution
KruptoConnect application services don’t have tightly coupled dependencies, so they can be edited without breaking other processes. When new functions are needed, they can be added to an existing service, or better, created in a new service that’s simply added to the network.
We continuously evaluate Amazon tools against a variety of open-source and third-party cloud technologies to make sure we are using the most stable, reliable, and powerful platform tools available. Built on the geographic and elastic foundation of AWS and the true cloud architecture of the KruptoConnect Platform, our solution has reliability in its DNA.
For reliable customer service, your contact center needs to be up. KruptoConnect uses an active AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute the load to multiple servers and instances. In the case of a failure, ELB detects unhealthy instances within its pool of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances and automatically reroutes traffic to healthy instances until the unhealthy instances have been restored. It’s so seamless, you won’t even notice there’s a problem. The same elastic load balancing is used to roll out new features, upgrades, and maintenance releases across, which means that service isn’t interrupted during updates. A well-architected cloud system should never go down for maintenance.
Failure happens—that’s why KruptoConnect is designed with redundant services. Its data tier makes use of both redundancy and replication strategies—the loss of a data node doesn’t impact data availability or result in any data loss. We plan for failure.
Amazon ASG dynamically scales KruptoConnect clusters as demand changes, detects failures, and launches replacement instances.
KruptoConnect also uses AWS for site redundancy. All KruptoConnect services are deployed into multiple availability zones; this makes them tolerant in the event of a data center or even an entire availability zone failure.
Amazon S3 stores data and makes it highly available by distributing it across multiple data centers, so there’s no chance of data loss.
KruptoConnect runs within multiple AWS Regions to satisfy data security and privacy regulations for various countries. When you set up your KruptoConnect account you can choose the region that matches your regional incorporation headquarters. All requests for any people or systems are then made through AWS sites in that region, regardless of where those employees may be working. AWS Regions contain multiple operating zones that KruptoConnect utilizes. Data and processes are distributed to multiple zones to improve performance and reliability.